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Email Filtering

We provide unsurpassed email security against threats such as spam, viruses, spyware, phishing schemes, identity theft, and other dangerous and offensive content. It consistently blocks more than 99.991% of messaging attacks in real time with near zero false positives. Security analysts and networking experts monitor email threats around the clock and proactively take action to ensure service continuity.

If you feel you are getting too much spam please go to our Reporting Spam page for instructions on how to send your examples directly to the analysts.


Our Email Filtering System does not provide a publically accessible quarantine. Changes made in the quaratine effect all users for all domains. Only NETDOOR personnel and our filter analysts can make adjustments to the filter.

What to do if you feel the filter is blocking your email:

If you feel the filter is blocking your email, please contact our support team at 1.877.NETDOOR or by emailing us at We may need you to provide a previous copy of the message you have received sent to us as an attachment so we can detemine exactly where the mail originates.